My relationship with the cannabis plant has been an interesting journey. I was prescribed in San Francisco a few years ago, but since then, I…
You are viewing the G R O O M I N G category archive.
Conscious Brand Spotlight
Published November 9, 2019For day to day skin maintenance, the brands that actually have a future are those that are conscious, as we’re shifting our spending away from…
The Power of Water
Published October 28, 2019As a Cancer moon and with my Vedic sun sign being Scorpio, water is super prevalent in my natal chart and reality, but it’s also…
Explore: yue float
Published October 16, 2019In my constant search for meditative self realisation and oneness, I came across yue float via my brother Oz, who worked with the conscious company…
Experience: Kilian’s Cellar Icons Set
Published July 31, 2019It’s almost as if everyone knew I was scaling down the size of my portable fragrances (!), so with some personal favourites packaged into a…