The first Supermoon of 2021 occurs today on the 26th April, appearing 30% brighter than a full moon at apogee (at the furthest point from the Earth). Sarah…
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3 Tips For Seeing America In A Greener Way
Published March 30, 2021Travellers with a conscience have in recent years had to find ways of squaring a very tricky circle. Loving the planet can mean simultaneously wanting…
15 Ways to Find Your Calm
Published March 23, 2021Relax. Be calm. Breathe. All phrases that can be super frustrating if you deal with anxiety, depression or you are highly strung and find life…
“World Peace” on sale as NFT for 100 ETH
Published March 21, 2021Spiritual revolutionary and recording artist NEO 10Y is selling the “Shortcut To World Peace” as NFT On a microsite in line with the artist’s cosmic…
Revolution: Ban The Sale of Fur
Published February 23, 2021As consciousness expands and a non-violent future becomes a mainstream priority, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has received a letter signed by 50 of Britain’s biggest…