No other “drug” has the planet in such a hold. Alcohol is the most mainstream, normalized, self-inflicted violence to have a grip over society since…
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Simple Yet Powerful Ways To Boost Your Happiness
Published August 2, 2021There is no magic formula or proven way to feel and be happy all the time. If it were that easy then everyone would be…
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6 Methods to Growing Your Self-Confidence
Published August 2, 2021Confidence is a powerful tool that not everyone has. This feeling can make you feel unstoppable, but this feeling isn’t always present in us. Whether…
Most Searched Spiritual Destinations in the World
Published July 12, 2021Futurist platform has revealed that Stonehenge in England is the most searched for spiritual destination in the world, with a staggering 8,460,000 Google searches per year – an average…
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Watch: Shortcut To World Peace
Published July 12, 2021I have flirted with the expanse of the astral realm and death throughout my life and artistic narrative. The Shortcut To World Peace video is…