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Think Piece: Is it time for enforced veganism?

A vegan future is coming, but as it stands, we live in a state of extreme ignorance and greed, perpetuated by capitalistic norms and half a decade of Mad Men marketing. Animal abuse and extreme exploitation is completely normalized, and the non-vegan left wing is so brainwashed that they don’t understand love energy or the real root of oppression.

We have the left-wing media platforming non-vegan “human rights activists”, meanwhile the greatest oppression to face humans at this point in time is caused solely by non-vegans.

Non vegans started and are sustaining the coronavirus pandemic. It is no coincidence that coronavirus is an anagram for carnivorous and that veganism is an anagram for saving me. This is universal design, but no matter how enthusiastically we communicate this message, through countless mediums, it is still falling on the deaf ears of the flesh eating zombies on planet earth who suffer from such intense cognitive dissonance. It’s pretty sad at this point.

If someone has an internet connection or smart phone, they have the knowledge. Either you know it is imperative for the animals, climate, change, to stop zoonotic diseases, as the basic level consumption ideal for public health and human optimisation, to heal the amazon, clear the water systems or simply solve world hunger. A vegan world is a better world for all.

Veganism still means “as far as practicable and possible” which means that if everyone did the best that they could, we would manifest a utopian dimension of peace almost overnight. It’s so important to know that speciesism is the root of racism, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny, ableism and all other oppressions. If the “anti-oppression activists” really wanted to reconstruct society, they would start with the root cause. It is worth also reading my think piece on deplatforming non-vegans and details of how hypocritical the left’s bid to end racism is when they are still constantly contributing to environmental racism.

What is inspiring to see is the recent wave in condemning animal abuse on a public level, particularly since 2017. The consciousness shift is rippling into a spiritual revolution whereby we are open to speaking more honestly about the real violence that takes place in not only the meat and dairy industries, but the leather industry and how deeply engrained animal violence is to the current system.

It’s obvious that other animal species’, apart from humans have feelings and interests in living with freedom and dignity. Animal subjugation for human consumption is form of class oppression taking advantage of non human’s vulnerability, Just like the many forms of class oppression in human societies. We should all fight class oppression.

As summarised and sourced the the Oxford Climate Society:

In terms of the environmental benefits, you can’t beat vegan consumption. A report by the Proceedings of the National Sciences of the USA predicts that global food-related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions would fall by 70% by 2050 if the entire world went vegan. As an individual in the UK, a vegan diet reduces food-related carbon emissions by 40% compared to the average UK diet. With atmospheric CO2 now above 400ppm, worldwide veganism could be a fairly rapid solution for greatly reducing future emissions.

Also, the vegan diet is significantly more efficient than an animal diet, which uses 17 times more land, 14 times more water and 10 times more energy. In the UK, intensive animal agriculture uses 77% of agricultural land and produces only 18% of calories consumed. In terms of protein, beef requires 100 times more land to produce one unit of protein, in comparison to pulses, maize or rice. This represents a huge inefficiency and when the global population hits 10.5 billion in 2050, there will simply not be enough farmland. Research by Harvard University estimates that 40 million tonnes of food would be sufficient to feed every human annually, and yet the animals would need 760 million tonnes (19 times more).

Globally enforced veganism could also bring huge economic savings. By 2050, it is estimated that the global economy would save £440 billion. This money could be funnelled into green innovation and technology. The World Health Organisation (2015) also reports potential annual savings of between $700-1000 billion, as a result of a projected decrease of 8.1 million deaths annually due to veganism. A healthy, balanced vegan diet can significantly reduce the risk of coronary heart disease, strokes, diabetes, and some forms of cancer.

Overall, a vegan future is a healed future and a solution to the current pandemic, world hunger and the Shortcut To World Peace.

When we say “enforced veganism”, what does it actually mean? Legally enforced? Morally enforced? Peer enforced? If you saw someone abusing a dog, would you intervene and stop it? In the same way, if you are at dinner with a friend who is about to order a steak, it is your duty to intervene and convince them of a non-violent alternative. That is how we move forward and deconstruct this violence together.

I would love to see legally enforced veganism and I think it is something we can expect to come from smaller towns and cities first. Phasing out animal violence for famers must be their main priority. Switching to plant-based alternatives is the only way people who work in animal agriculture can sustain their own futures. As this wave of consciousness expands and enlightens more people, the demand for animal products is dropping.

In essence, consuming meat and dairy is not longer a “private” choice. It is linked to a chain of consequences of suffering and that is why and how enforced veganism will take place on this planet, because we do not have a choice anymore.

There are tons of great online resources available to help you navigate this shift. It is an exciting time for humanity to heal, but starting with the root of daily violence is the key to manifesting peace.

One thing is for sure: with the proliferation of exciting new vegan products and so many people who are on the same journey towards an animal-free lifestyle, adopting a vegan consumption ideal is easier than ever.