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Why Alcohol Is Spiritual Poison

No other “drug” has the planet in such a hold. Alcohol is the most mainstream, normalized, self-inflicted violence to have a grip over society since the beginning of time.

I have never really addressed alcohol honestly on this platform, particularly as we had drink-brand sponsors from 2014-2016, but I ended my very brief relationship with liquor in 2017, and it is time to talk honestly about alcohol and how it affects our spirituality as individuals and a collective.

It’s time for the mainstream to be informed about drinking. It is such a heavy weight in the war against consciousness, so hopefully this article can shine some light.

This isn’t meant to be a balanced piece, this is a clear stance on alcohol as a villain in society.

We all know the government makes money on the tax on alcohol, so let’s remember why it is even taxed at all…

Although mass produced, mass promoted, legal, and ingested by a multitude of people all over the world, most people don’t ever consider or understand the physical consequences of drinking, let alone the spiritual consequences.

From a universal design perspective, let’s look at the etymology for the root of the word. “Alcohol” comes from Arabic “al-kuhl” which means “body eating spirit” and gives root origins to the English term of “ghoul”. In middle easternfolk a “ghoul” is an evil demon thought to eat human bodies, either as stolen corpse or as children.

The word “alembic” and “alcohol”, both metaphors for aqua vitae or “life water” and “spirit” often refer t o a distilled liquid that came from magical explorations in middle eastern alchemy.

According to the writer Jason Christoff, “In alchemy, alcohol is used to extract the soul essence of an entity”. Hence it’s use in extracting essences for essential oil and the sterilization of medical instruments. By consuming alcohol into the body, it in effect extracts the very essence of the soul, allowing the body to be more susceptible to neighboring entities most of which are of low frequencies. That is why people who consume excessive alcohol often black out, not remembering what happened. This happens when the good soul leaves because the living conditions are too polluted and too traumatic to tolerate. 

The good soul jettisons the body, staying connected to a tether, and a dark entity takes the body for a joy ride around the block, often in a hedonistic and self serving illogical rampage. Our bodies are cars for spirits. If one leaves, another can take care for a ride. Essentially when someone goes dark after drinking alcohol or polluting themselves in many other ways, their body often becomes possessed by another entity.

In one of the book called Mans Eternal Quest by Paramhansa Yognanda, this spiritual master clearly explain the mechanism by observing through a spiritual vision where inside a bar certain people become overly drunk their souls connected with a thread, exited the body this is because of great discomfort of being in body highly intoxicated with alcohol. When the soul excited the body, other non-benevolent entities entered into their vacant shell. Once the entities took hold of the body, they used the body to play out all kinds of dirty and dark acts such as violence, low level sexual encounters, destructive behavior, rape and many more.

In some of psychology courses taught advertising and the effects on humans. We looked at the advertising for alcohol. A master of this subject illuminated the fact that most alcohol advertisements are embedded with hidden messages and images – not typically perceivable to the common sight, yet perceived through the subconscious. Knowing how powerful the subconscious is in our decision making, feelings, reactions, beliefs etc the slick sales teams of alcohol used this sinister technique to trick us into buying their products and joining the social cult of mental apathy and cultural obedience. Why the marketing teams felt the need to trick us and coerce us through subliminal messages to buy products that are harmful to the human body and to our soul?

How many times you have observed after becoming quite intoxicated with alcohol, behaved in a manner uncommon to them? Perhaps we have experienced the changing of the voice, violence, sexual promiscuity, ingesting of harmful substances, destruction to property, conflictual behavior and other negative expressions. Is this the manifestation of light, love and positivity?

It is well understood that ingesting alcohol depresses the nervous system, kills brain cells, toxic to liver, weakens the immune system and has many other harmful effects. We are taught that long term alcohol use can lead to unwanted weight gain, liver disease, lowering of intelligence,and negative effects on hormones. 

How many of us have seen families broken and lives lost because of alcoholism? Do you think in any angle it makes us smarter or healthier or better people?

Its time to challenge things

Let’s stand behind replacing the rampant abuse of alcohol with more health enhancing practices, activities and food and save the life and future of our coming generations and society.

Here’s the “Spiritual Effects of Alcohol” shortlist:

1. Alcohol Lowers your Vibration 

When you start drinking it relaxes you, which makes you feel like your energy is flowing better. In fact, alcohol poisons your body, lowers your frequency and jams up your energy.

“Because here’s what we all know: each time you drink alcohol, your vibration drops. 

It can take up to ten days to restore the point of vibration you’re at before you drink.”

– Melanie Beckler

2. Alcohol Creates Holes in Your Aura

Your aura is an energetic field that surrounds your body; kind of like a force field. It keeps other energies at bay, that is, unless you have holes or tears. 

You create holes in your aura by disrupting your energies in various ways through negative thinking, traumas, giving up your power, and consuming alcohol or drugs because they destabilize the vibrational system.

3. Alcohol Interferes with Psychic Abilities

Alcohol has been known to block psychic abilities and create a haze and murkiness from the person who is being “read” by the psychic. The connection is disrupted between the two people and their spirits. It’s recommended to abstain from drinking before doing any psychic work.

4. Alcohol Makes You Susceptible to Entities/ Energies

Yeah cool, no big deal. You may just take on destructive and depressing energies or unserving and malicious entities. How’s that for taking someone home with you from the bar?

After drinking, you may notice that, besides your hangover, you’re upset for no reason, irritable, apathetic, depressed, self-destructive or just don’t feel like yourself. 

5. Alcohol Throws Your Chakras off Balance

Alcohol disrupts your energetic field and that includes your main seven chakras, creating an energetic imbalance in your body, mind and spirit that will take some time and attention to repair.

Alcohol Disrupts Your Spiritual Progress as a Whole

As you evolve in your spiritual journey and expand your spiritual capacity, you’ll have more conscious awareness of your energy. You’ll feel a shift in the “hum” or “buzz” of your energy even before the hangover sets in. Alcohol lowers your vibration due to its toxic nature.

And here’s the kicker. 

Expanded spiritual awareness and capability is polarized in both a positive and negative direction.

Know this and save yourself a lot of trouble going forward. 

“The more man knows, the more he is responsible for, and a person with the knowledge of Spiritual Law which he does not practice suffers greatly in consequence.” 

– Florence Scovel Shinn

Not all spiritual beings go to the temple to pray. 

YOU are the temple. 

“Take care of your body temple, for the energy of the entire universe flows through it.”

– Consciousness Liberty