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Speciesism is the Root of All Oppression

The way we respect sentient life on this planet is reflective of how we treat each other. Veganism is choosing love, love is the Shortcut To World Peace.

For oppressed minorities, if one wishes to be considered as equal, whilst oppressing another, they are a victim to their own wrongdoing. Be free, choose love. Do not choose indifference. For the oppressor, it is time to unlearn, all of your violence.

For us to have equal rights for all beings, the most oppressed beings on this planet, who are the animals, must be liberated. For LGBTQ+ rights, for racial equality, for feminism, we must start at the root cause, which is speciesism.

We already understand that veganism or ahimsa (non-violence) is a solution to world hunger, which we can manifest quickly into society through the elimination of the greed and ignorance of animal agriculture. The shared consciousness expanding through amplified love with a vegan world would create an abundance of compassion, enough to greatly solve the intersectional oppression issues that we currently face.

Dairy is the persistent exploitation of female bodies on planet Earth, for that, all feminists should be vegan. The way that enivormental racism is perpetuated through animal agriculture, all racial equality activists should be vegan and as speciesism is the root of all oppression, all members of the LGBTQ+ should be vegan.

The revolution of love is in you.