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Daring to Be Different: 4 Vital Tools to See You on Your Way

Do you remember that school was about you trying to blend in rather than stand out? You’re not the only one. We all feel part of the crowd, but it’s important for us to remember that being different is far more interesting. There comes a time when we need that confidence to be different to do the things that set us apart without fear of reprisal. But what does it really take to develop this confidence?

One Subtle Change at a Time

You may like the idea of wearing orange ties when you have never done before, or dressing in a slightly different way. In order for us to make peace with the fact that we are changing, we may have to do it incrementally. The road to change starts with one step, and when you start to change minuscule things over time, you can become a completely different person by making these small incremental changes.

Believe in Yourself

It is easier said than done, but in order to start feeling like you are worth being different, you’ve got to trust your instincts, but before you do this, you’ve got to know who you are. When you take those opportunities to stop and not listen to what others tell you to do, consciously or not, you can tune these people out and start to forge your own path. While a lot of people talk about the benefits of something like meditation, sitting in silence can help you to gradually tune out everybody else and understand what you want to achieve, for you, not anybody else. It also helps you to be present. Rather than thinking about the past or the future, being rooted in the now can help you to work on your thoughts and overcome your inhibitions.

Find Your Special Element

The great thing about being different is that you have a unique selling point. It’s not about fitting the mould that other people accept. It is important to listen to the advice of other people, but having that faith to make decisions based on your desires is what will set you apart. You see those people in life that always have the confidence to be different, and we wonder what it is that makes them so confident in their beliefs, but it’s about the fact they understand that there is something individual about them that they don’t want to change, or realise that it is something they cannot change, so why don’t they just embrace it? When you find the thing that makes you you or what makes you happy, the important thing is to practice this.

Do What You Like

It’s not about being selfish, but it’s about having the guts to do something that you want and not worry about what other people think. If you wish to express yourself through your style and dress in a Christmas jumper in September, who is anybody to tell you what to do? When you do what you like and it makes you feel good, this is far more important. At the end of it all, we’ll only regret not listening to our own inner voice sooner so develop those tools now.