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Jack Tracy releases intimate and uncensored video for It’s Time

Queer love isn’t nearly acknowledged enough in the mainstream, so New York artist Jack Tracy wasted no time in releasing his latest music video for new ballad It’s Time.

You can watch the video above, but equally the rebellious artist has released an uncensored version on OnlyFans too. The song may be of a somber note, but the video is “steamy” and gripping.

It’s Time is about how the trauma of a break-up might take a while to hit and the artist’s advice to let it go. Sage advice from the New York musician!

“It’s a tonal shift for sure,” Jack remarks about his new track, “when I did my web series, History, I sort of discovered that the lanes I tend to drive best in are sexy and sad. So I decided with ‘It’s Time‘ that it was time to shift to the other lane for a bit.”

The song, which Jack wrote and recorded last year, serves as a coda to his last relationship, what Jack considers his great love. “We loved hard, and deeply, but ultimately were not good for each other,” Jack said. “The end was volatile–honestly devastating–and the way he chose to say goodbye fundamentally changed my approach to all relationships for the rest of my life. He terrorized me and that lived with me every day for years. I wrote this song to finally let it go.”

In the moody video, Rob Riordin plays a figment of an ex-lover slipping in and out of the shadows. Unlike Jack’s other more extravagant videos, “It’s Time” is intentionally simple.

But while the focus may be the song, the eyes will certainly be focused on the censored scenes, depicting the couple engaged in passionate sex. “It’s important to me to continue to normalize depictions of gay sex,” Jack said. “Today, gay characters can finally show up in mainstream productions, fall in love and be proudly gay, but there’s still a level of neurtering representations of gay relationships, likely because the powers that be still believe the general public remains squemish about the idea of two men having anal sex.” The video was shot by longtime cinematographer Joseph Patrick Conroy of Amerikana Media.

We love the artist’s sense of passion and fearless approach to their artistry, you can stream their top tracks below and find It’s Time on our New Music Spotlight playlist!