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How Stripping Your Look Back Can Help You Find Your Own Style

When it comes to fashion, it can be easy to become bored of a look, or even a whole era of looks. You might want to get away from your current looks but you don’t want to dive into any new trends: you want to find a look that also feels very “you.” One of the best ways to do that is to not go too far into any new direction but rather to bring it right back to the start, simplifying your style with the tips below.

You get a much better idea of your staples

One of the problems with being too ingrained in a certain style or dress sense is that you can find yourself completing outfits and entire looks without really having a good idea of how to make use of all of the constituent pieces. Of course, if you look good and feel confident, that might not matter too much to you but if you want to discover your own style, then getting to know how to use the “ingredients” of a wardrobe is pretty crucial. To that end, you should look at some of the wardrobe staples that you might want to start building upon. Aside from being the building blocks of many an outfit, wearing them out when you go shopping can make it extra easy to try on a wide range of samples.

You might find that the minimalist look suits you

Of course, you can go beyond staples but make sure that you’re never going too far away from the clean and modern look. Minimalist fashion is becoming a lot more popular thanks to brands like about:blank. One of the best lessons that minimalist fashion can teach you is about how different clothes affect your silhouette. When you’re not paying as much difference to changes in color or the graphics on the clothing, then the other elements that they change can become a lot more prevalent in your eye. You can also get a much better idea of what kind of clothes better fit your body type and help you get closer to the profile that you want to strike. The minimalist look is gaining a lot of traction, so why not give it a try?

The power of accessories becomes a lot more potent

You might think that minimalism has to be applied to every part of your look but the truth is that you can use it to learn how to really use accessories. There are plenty of minimalist accessorizing tips you can follow from sites like Next Level Wardrobe. Even something as simple and traditional as a watch can stand out a lot more when the outfit surrounding it is a lot more stripped back. Similarly, the golden sheen of some jewelry can stand out even more if the palette around it is monochromatic, acting as the flash of color that adds that little bit extra flavor and depth. After you’ve stripped your wardrobe back, start experimenting with accessories first and see just how much they can change your entire look without any other additions or substitutions.

Learn a lot more about your textures

Playing with different colors is one way to experiment and help you find new looks once you’ve stripped everything right back down. However, one aspect of fashion that we talk about a lot less often is that of the textures of your clothes. When you’re not relying on flashy looks as much, you tend to focus on the other elements that can help you bring some diversity and avoid monotony in your looks. The different textures of clothing you wear can offer a lot of depth and teach you how to be expressive without relying on palettes or designs.

It gives you brand new avenues to experiment

One of the great things about the tips mentioned above is that they allow you to get back to what you might consider the “fundamentals” of fashion. If you feel like you have been pigeonholed into a certain look or even certain color schemes, then getting back to the basics is like getting back to the start of the path, with more freedom to take different turns than you might have in the past. You can switch up colors, lengths, and layers all you want, finding yourself trying looks that you might never have worn before.

Taking on the bare-bones and minimalist approach can help you get a lot more confident in your choices, from which you can build on with new colors, new styles, and new approaches to fashion.