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Love Ghost and ND Kobi’ manifest a cathartic experience with emotive and vulnerable new single, God Damn

Drawing us in with intricate keys and guitar arpeggios, Love Ghost and ND Kobi’ open their collaborative single, God Damn, with atmospheric vocals and an introspective nature with the lyrics, “Cos I’m trapped inside of my mind… Sometimes, I love how it feels dangerous…”

The vocal production is sublime, something that we have come to expect from Love Ghost, but truly the echoes have us in our feels, amplified by a million. We love it when Finnegan Bell shares his soul with us, he is truly an artist that has the versatility to go from baddie to bestie in a heartbeat.

The visionary frontman tells us how the song is about “feeling paralyzed in your own mind”, which is a super relatable theme, and in turn, God Damn allows us to process this in synch with the creators, and manifest a sense of healing.

God Damn offers a profound catharsis, resonating deeply with those of us who have experienced similar struggles. Love Ghost‘s music has a unique ability to convey emotions in a way that words alone cannot, tapping into the depths of human experience and offering solace to those of us who feel trapped.

One of the most significant emotional benefits of God Damn is validation. For individuals grappling with mental health challenges like anxiety, depression, or intrusive thoughts, the lyrics and melodies serve as a poignant acknowledgment of one’s inner turmoil. Hearing our experiences reflected in music provides a sense of validation and reassurance us that we are not alone in our struggles.

We learn that God Damn was produced by Mexico’s Shantra (Santa Fe Klan, Piso 21), and the song is part of an upcoming Love Ghost album produced by Shantra, which features several collaborations! Love Ghost have garnered praise from numerous prestigious publications, including Rolling Stone and Billboard. The band has recently toured Europe and performed in Mexico City at various venues and festivals. They have collaborated with a diverse range of artists worldwide and are currently working with several Latin artists and producers in Mexico. Additionally, Love Ghost has an upcoming album in collaboration with Tim Skold, the guitarist and producer for Marilyn Manson, set to be released by Metropolis Records!

We have added God Damn to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream Love Ghost’s expansive discography, and anticipate the upcoming release of their album!