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Repeat tease upcoming album, Rat Race, with philosophical and dynamic new single, Not Enough

Setting the tone with a singular, yet impactful drum beat, expanding into an immersive and dimensional guitar soundscape, Repeat open Not Enough with instrumental mastery and high-octane, atmospheric vocals, as we are invited into the Swedish trio’s sonic universe.

The opus evolves with thought-provoking themes, and introspective, cerebral verses with a melodic punk meets stoner rock nuance. Needless to say, we are in awe. The composition inspires neuroplasticity with its engaging sound design, and we appreciate the hook, “It’s not enough…”, which is relatable and remains in our minds long after the two minute trip concludes. Not Enough also flows perfectly into itself, encouraging mantra-esque, repeated listening!

Experiencing the intentionally created song stimulates our imagination. Not Enough offers a unique blend of introspective lyrics and mesmerizing musical elements that manifest a rich and dynamic listening experience. The stoner-rock track features hypnotic rhythms, distorted guitar riffs, and immersive soundscapes that create an evocative, yet meditative and trance-like state, and generates a sense of catharsis and emotional release.

We learn that Not Enough will be included on Repeat‘s upcoming, highly anticipated album, Rat Race, which will cover similar existential and philosophical themes. The album was produced by Joakim Lindberg in Studio Sickan in Malmö, and was mastered by Magnus Lindberg at Redmount Studios.

Repeat confess, “We were pleasantly surprised by the attention the debut album received in Sweden and internationally. Since we already had a number of additional songs more or less finished, we immediately went back to the studio, once again with Joakim Lindberg as producer. The result was nine new songs, at a total of eighteen minutes. We really prefer the short format and most of the album was recorded in live takes.”

We love the energy that Repeat exude, and have added Not Enough to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream the band’s self-titled, debut album, and anticipate the release of Rat Race on June 7 digitally, as well as on vinyl and cassette!