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Corvyx leaves us spellbound with captivating and dramatic cover of I See Red

Drawing us in with astral bells and an atmospheric energy with a fierce, industrial bass moment, Corvyx opens his cover of I See Red, originally performed by Everybody Loves an Outlaw, with ethereal nuance and a mesmerizing rendition of the situational opening prose, “Did you really think, I’d just forgive and forget, no, after catching you with her, your blood should run cold, so cold…”

The drama that ensues with the magnetic chorus of the song is tangible, and we appreciate the modernisation of the opus which originally took on a more classical rock vibe. Corvyx‘s reimagined version for the song is filled with haunting vocals and intricate production, transporting us to “a realm where reality blurs with the surreal”.

The original concept of the song is dark in itself, and Corvyx somehow managed to amplify this with his production and performance. We learn that through his music, Corvyx aims to inspire, provoke thought, and evoke powerful emotions, and his cover of I See Red does just that and more!

Listening Corvyx‘s cover of I See Red offers cathartic benefits by providing an outlet for processing and expressing complex emotions. The intense lyrics, evocative melodies, and powerful instrumentation in the a song can resonate with those of us who have experienced feelings of betrayal, anger, or injustice.

By immersing ourselves in this narrative of seeking revenge, we can find a sense of validation and empowerment in acknowledging our own feelings of hurt or resentment. The emotional release facilitated by Corvyx‘s cover of I See Red can allow us to confront our inner turmoil, difficult emotions, and ultimately move towards a sense of closure or resolution.

Moreover, Corvyx‘s cover of I See Red serves as a form of escapism, allowing us to temporarily step into a different emotional reality where we can explore themes of retribution and justice in a safe and controlled environment.

We learn that this spine-tingling rendition is designed to plunge listeners into “a realm of psychological intrigue and raw emotion, reminiscent of a scene from a suspenseful thriller, with the unsettling allure of psychological horror films like The Haunting of Hill House“.

Speaking on the cover, Corvyx confesses, “I’ve always been drawn to songs that evoke a sense of unease and mystery. When I heard I See Red, I knew immediately that it was a track I had to cover. It’s like tapping into my Aries Moon energy – intense, passionate, and unapologetically raw. This song felt like home to me or burning down a home! It’s that same dichotomy of comfort and chaos that I aimed to capture in my rendition.”

We love what Corvyx has to offer as an artist, and have added I See Red to our New Music Spotlight playlist, as well as our brand new TRIPPY playlist, whilst we continue to stream the star’s wider discography, and anticipate future releases from the talented creator.