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Coma Beach share cathartic and eye-opening single, Extreme Masochist

By now, you will know that we are huge Coma Beach fans, having featured a slew of their releases including the high concept and subversive, Jesus’ Tears, the evocative and profound, Nothing Right, and the thought-provoking, Another Song, so when we heard that the talented group was back with Extreme Masochist, we had a feeling that we might be in for a treat.

Kicking off with an industrial guitar riff, exploding with rolling drums and a fierce, descending bassline, Coma Beach open Extreme Masochist with a sense of metallic timelessness, and eye-opening prose with an authentic, charged vocal delivery.

The mood feels relatable, in line with Coma Beach‘s overarching sound, which we can imagine is nothing but spectacular live. The lyrical sentiment feels zeitgeist and somewhat cathartic, at a time when we need it the most.

What Coma Beach offer with their sonic output is release. Their screamo adjacent sound, with its raw emotion and intense vocal delivery, serves as an outlet for both the listener and the artist. The visceral nature of Coma Beach allows individuals to release pent-up emotions, frustrations, and anxieties through the power of music.

For the band, there is no doubt that expressing their inner turmoil is a form of release and therapy, allowing them to confront and process their emotions in a creative and constructive way. Similarly, for the listener, we benefit by connecting with the raw and poignant lyricism of Extreme Masochist, providing a sense of validation and understanding, offering a space to explore and confront our own inner struggles.

Extreme Masochist is taken from the band’s album, The Scapegoat’s Agony. As we learned prior, the album title is an allusion to the play “Waiting for Godot” by Irish playwright and novelist Samuel Beckett and points towards the painful and excruciating emotional odyssey of the unnamed antihero. 

Speaking on the message of Extreme Masochist, the band confess, “Having spiralled through various delusions of grandeur and humiliation, the unnamed antihero experiences emotional catharsis by facing head-on the painful and torturous reality of the human condition.”

We love the dimensional, metaphorical and yet highly contemporary universe that Coma Beach create, and we have added Extreme Masochist to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream the band’s growing discography including the entirety of The Scapegoat’s Agony, and anticipate future releases from the talented creators.