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Coma Beach release high concept and subversive new single, Jesus’ Tears

Setting the tone with a bright and bold electric guitar intro, followed by a dimensional bass performance, Coma Beach open Jesus’ Tears with instrumental mastery and subversive lyricism as they share evocative prose, “They nailed me to the cross next to Jesus Christ, a man climbed up to me and stared into my glaring eyes…”

We immediately connect with the authenticity that Coma Beach exude with their words, and their screamo adjacent delivery. We learn that Jesus’ Tears is taken from the band’s record, The Scapegoat’s Agony. They tell us that the concept of the album is “an allusion to the play Waiting for Godot, by Irish playwright and novelist Samuel Beckett and points towards the – for the most part – painful and excruciating emotional odyssey of the unnamed antihero.”

Elaborating on the context of the song, they share the following synopsis, “In his delirious state of madness, the unnamed antihero suffers through a Christ-like crucifixion, vowing to avenge himself on those he deems responsible for his suffering.”

We deeply appreciate the vivid and sometimes disturbing adventure that Coma Beach take us on, and the poetic prowess that they convey, bringing to life their dark concept intuitively.

With the soundscape of the track, they showcase a sense of timelessness, and we are in awe of the metallic finale. “Shock, chaos, pain, rage and isolation” are the thematic cornerstones of Coma Beach’s music, and Jesus’ Tears brings to life this concoction perfectly.

The band from Würzburg, Germany features singer B. Kafka, guitarist Captain A. Fear and drummer M. Lecter, with bassist U. Terror and rhythm guitarist M. Blunt!

We have added Jesus’ Tears to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream Coma Beach’s entire album, The Scapegoat’s Agony.