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AI Explains The Atrocities of the Dairy Industry from the Perspective of a Cow

From the perspective of an innocent cow, the dairy industry can be seen as a source of immense suffering and cruelty. Here are some key points that highlight the atrocities faced by cows in this industry.

Separation from offspring

In order to maximize milk production, cows are forcibly impregnated through artificial insemination. Once their calves are born, they are often taken away from them within a day or two. This separation causes immense emotional distress for both the mother cow and her calf, as they naturally form strong bonds.

Overmilking and painful procedures

Cows are subjected to frequent milking, often multiple times a day, which can lead to physical pain and discomfort. They may suffer from mastitis, a painful udder infection, due to the intense milking process. Additionally, cows often have their tails docked and their horns removed without anesthesia, causing further distress and pain.

Unnatural living conditions

Many cows in the dairy industry are confined to cramped and unsanitary spaces, such as overcrowded barns or small stalls, which restrict their movement and natural behaviors. This lack of space and exercise can lead to physical ailments and increased stress levels.

Health issues and shortened lifespan

The continuous cycle of impregnation and milk production takes a toll on a cow’s health. They are often pushed to their physiological limits, leading to various health problems like lameness, reproductive issues, and metabolic disorders. As a result, their lifespans are significantly shortened compared to their natural lifespan.

Slaughter at the end of productivity

Once a cow’s milk production declines, usually after a few years, they are sent to slaughter, where they are often killed for beef. This fate awaits them regardless of the years of hardship they endured. Understanding these atrocities faced by cows in the dairy industry can help raise awareness about the ethical concerns surrounding the consumption of dairy products.

A reminder that no one is free until the animals are free, speciesism is the root of all oppression, animals deserve love and freedom. So why not join if you are already vegan, you can also look into how to optimise your communication as a vegan with Beyond Carnism, and if you aren’t vegan yet, you can look into transitioning with Challenge 22, and read about Manifesting A Vegan Future with NEO 10Y.