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Meat in Space takes us on an intentional trip with garage-rock sophomore single, Outta My Head

We previously featured Meat in Space for his evocative and intricate debut single, Chromium Dioxide, so when we heard that the star was back with Outta My Head, we were intrigued to say the least, and had a feeling that we would want to share our thoughts.

Textured drums and industrial frequencies immerses us as Meat in Space opens with a subversive vocal and vibrant guitar soundscape. The star sings the hook of the track… and we too feel out of our heads.

The emotive experience that Meat in Space manifests with his sound is unique and dimensional, and the alternative and lo-fi nature of his universe has us tripping. Despite being from the US, there is an element of Brit pop warped into the dynamic and high octane energy that the star exudes, and his creative intent and authenticity is tangible.

Speaking on how the release of Outta My Head came about, Meat in Space confesses, “I had an inspirational spark of creativity after listening to a few garage rock staples and heard the guitar riff and vocal melody in my head. It seemed simple and kind of dumb, but still had a hookiness to it.”

He continues, “I’ve learned to never judge an idea in the early stages and at least document it, even if it goes nowhere, so I made a phone recording of me humming the guitar part and the melody. I returned to the idea and the rest of the song came together very quickly. I guess the lesson here is to let go of logical judgment and let art flow if it has a feel. Let a song go where it needs to go and do not get in the way with rational judgment. The song turned out quite loose as a result, but could not have been any other way.”

We appreciate the rawness of the visionary artist’s creative process and the manner in which he not only channels the universe, but trusts his instincts without force to create the sound that we experience today.

Elaborating on his intention, the artist also known as Shawn Stedman adds, “I genuinely hope this song gets people out of their head. It’s a message I myself need, and hopefully can be medicine for others.”

We have added Outta My Head to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream Chromium Dioxide, and anticipate future releases from Meat in Space!