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Angus Woodhead shares charismatic liberation anthem, Freedom

Establishing the mood with a dimensional guitar soundscape, Angus Woodhead opens Freedom with evocative, metaphorical prose as he sings, “Unlock the door, turn the key, it’s time to set the captives free, strap on my shoes, no time to lose, pack up the van, I bring good news…”

The opus expands into a meaningful, anthemic energy, as Angus shares his soul and emotive vocal timbre. Speaking on the message of the release, the rising star from the Sunshine Coast confesses, “Freedom is that feeling when you get out on the road meeting new people and experiencing new locations.”

We learn that Freedom was written six years ago in Queensland, Australia by Angus, David and Misha, and the lyrics were tweaked and finished by Peggy Barr recently.

The depth that Angus Woodhead exudes is tangible, and we appreciate the poetic prowess that he shares with a charismatic and timeless performance.

The composition demonstrates instrumental mastery, and needless to say, we are in awe. Angus cites “Modern Country with a positive and gospel message” as his sonic influence, although it is clear that the rising star is creating a universe of his own.

We have added Freedom to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream Angus Woodhead‘s wider discography including Enter In and Come Holy Spirit.