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Purify Your Water at Home with ZeroWater

Water is life, water is consciousness. Up to 60% of the human body is water. The brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and our lungs are approximately 83% water. Our skin contains 64% water, whilst muscles and kidneys are 79%, and even our bones are 31% water. Astronomers also just traced the origins of water back to a time before the Sun. We are water and water is integral to our alignment with the universe.

Unfortunately, we’re at a stage now where the purity of water has been degraded through pollution, the sewer systems, and the construct of bottled water is equally damaging for the environment from a plastic perspective. Once a symbol of purification, it now needs to be purified itself.

We’re at a stage where it’s negligent to commission bottles, but also at a stage where it is verging on personal negligence to consume tap water that hasn’t been purified. This is where ZeroWater and their filtration jugs come in. I’d recommend consuming the final product from a copper cup or bottle, but in the meantime, wanted to explore a little more of what the ZeroWater process has to offer.

The ZeroWater Ready Read Jug is the first water filter jug with a built-in TDS meter. This means that we can easily see how much Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are in our tap water before and after filtering. TDS is a measure of the minerals and other substances that are dissolved in water. UK tap water is generally considered to be safe to drink, but it can have a high TDS level. This is because UK tap water is treated with a variety of chemicals, including chlorine, fluoride, and lead. These chemicals can give tap water a bitter taste and can also be harmful to our health.

The ZeroWater Ready Read Jug removes 99.6% of TDS from our water, giving us pure, clean water that tastes great. It also removes lead, fluoride, and other contaminants that can be harmful to our health. In addition to improving the taste of our tap water, ZeroWater can also help to protect our health. By removing harmful contaminants from our water, ZeroWater can help to reduce the risk of developing a variety of health problems, including cancer, heart disease, and kidney disease. The ZeroWater Ready Read Jug is easy to use. Just fill the jug with tap water, and the filter will do the rest. The filter will last for about two months of regular use.

The video above shows us how to use and enjoy the newly designed 12 Cup 5-stage filtration device with Ready-Read Technology from ZeroWater®. The integrated TDS meter allows us to instantly check the levels of dissolved solids before dispensing water so you always know when it is time to change the filter!

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