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Avi Kytes explores the early stages of a relationship and taps into his Spanish heritage with evocative debut single, Roll Over

Setting the tone with an elegant guitar soundscape with rippling, hand-played cajón drums, Avi Kytes opens Roll Over with intimacy and intrigue, as he sings, “Roll over, getting tired of this side of your shoulder, we don’t need to say much, we can forget about each other…”

We immediately connect with the authenticity that Avi Kytes shares with his prose and poetic prowess, as well as the narrative-based, yet introspective journey that he takes us on.

Speaking on the message of Roll Over, Avi confesses that it is “a love story in its essence, explor[ing] the early stages of a relationship, juggling both the fear of the uncertain and a desire to embrace the present.”

We love the relatability of the message that Avi Kytes delivers, and the charisma with which he shares his soul. The opus expands with ebbs and flows, textured drums, and vibrant and immersive guitar performances, with luscious add libs, trumpet solos and emotional depth.

We learn that the artist designed Roll Over to also reflect his Spanish heritage, which certainly explains the presence of the cajón! The single marks Avi Kytes‘s debut, and the beginning of an EP titled, Sour Kisses & Goodbyes set for release over the coming months.

Avi Kytes is the brainchild of London based songwriter, producer and multi-instrumentalist, Alex Rigueiro. The emerging star tells us that his sound and creative intention is an “exploration on human emotions, social confusion and the inner conflicts of our daily lives.”

We appreciate what Avi Kytes is creating, and have added Roll Over to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we anticipate future releases from the rising talent!