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Wotts remind us that it’s never too late to find our path with serene and inspiring new single, blue

We can always count on Wotts to share meaningful songs with exceptional accompanying artworks, so when we heard that they talented duo had just released blue, we couldn’t wait to immerse ourselves in their universe once more.

Setting the tone with a dimensional synthscape, Wotts open blue with their signature, ethereal vocal stylings and a playful astral melody that is captivating.

The rising Canadian duo confess that blue is “a reminder that sometimes you have to trust the path you’re on”, they also tell us that the vibe is inspired by fellow Canadian band, Men I Trust.

We appreciate the light and airy sound design, which works perfectly with the single art, which sees cosmic light entities in a blue sky. The ebbs and flows of the opus take us on a luscious and atmospheric journey, whilst the duo showcase their instrumental mastery with an epic guitar solo taking us through to the final reprise.

Jayem, who produced the track, says, “Spring was a big inspiration on this one. That idea that everything feels new again, almost like a rebirth, really spoke to us. We wanted to create something that reminded us that it’s never too late to find your path.”

With reference to their growing, expansive sound, Ricky 100 adds, “Indie Pop is our genre, but I think we’re having a lot of fun with exploring new sounds and really trying to build an atmosphere with our music.”

We have added the serene and inspiring blue to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream the wider discography of Wotts, including LEMONADE, wheel, and NO TAKE BACKS.