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Taavi Daft releases expansive and healing new composition, Open Up

Establishing the mood with an immersive, orchestral vibe, Taavi Daft draws us into Open Up with an expansive sense of vibrancy and a healing energy, akin to a sonic frequency to amplify DNA repair. The opus evolves with luscious waves of sonic energy, created with electronica synths and vocal textures, to take us on a conscious journey inward and beyond ourselves.

We learn that Open Up is designed to “symbolise blossoming after a dark time.” The visionary artist, who turned his pain into power following health complications, confesses that it is meant to help us “open up again and have the courage to allow new encounters, to dedicate oneself to new ideas and experiences. To feel strong and full of energy again.”

There is no doubt that what Taavi Daft is pioneering is cathartic, healing, and of course, meditative. The artist creates with the intention to help listeners “escape from everyday life and find themselves”, and “reach people’s hearts and spread love and positivity.”

We feel the effect of Taavi Daft‘s creative output, and have added Open Up to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we also stream the artist’s first two releases, Wind Chimes, and Soothing Soul.