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Death By Drone shares immersive and thought-provoking composition, Reflections

Setting the tone with an astral frequency and industrial riser, Death By Drone open Reflections with a meditative and cosmic energy, needless to say we are mesmerized.

The opus expands with intrigue and dimensionality as Death By Drone takes us on an expansive trip with nuanced and intricate sound design. The cerebral nature of the composition is tangible, we are met with the rippling sound of water, whilst immersive, synthetic textures take a hold of our spirit.

The overarching energy of the pieces generates a thought-provoking edge with a touch of melancholia, in line with the concept of the enigmatic composer’s moniker. Metallic energy take us through to the final moments of Reflections, and we are reaching for the repeat button.

We have added Reflections to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream Death By Drone‘s wider discography including Terra Umbrae, and Caverns.