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Garland Kelley releases expansive and thought-provoking debut single, A Mind of Your Own

Setting the tone with an intricate guitar performance, Garland Kelley opens A Mind of Your Own with textured drums, a glistening alternative rock soundscape and prophetic lyricism.

The conscious artist invites us to “question everything”, as he shares his wisdom through poetic prose and intelligent commentary on the human condition and the system.

A Mind of Your Own is designed to address “disinformation and freethought”, and we learn that the release is indicative of the artist’s broad creative scope, expansive style and message.

Speaking on the meaning of A Mind of Your Own, Garland Kelley confesses, “This song holds a positive message: we should all strive to become the change we wish to see and the path to our greater selves lies in having a mind of your own.”

Fans of bands such as Soundgarden, Incubus, Foo Fighters, Tool, and The Red Hot Chili Peppers will definitely be able to connect with A Mind of Your Own although there is no doubt that Garland Kelley is creating a universe in his own right.

Themes of Garland Kelley‘s songs explore existential issues including mortality, individualism, mental health, and philosophy, and we love the authenticity and tangible depth that the the artist shares with his debut. The guitar solo featured on the track is simply out of this world, further demonstrating the exquisite quality of Garland Kelley‘s work. A Mind of Your Own has been added to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we anticipate future releases from the star.