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katie drives delivers profound and evocative new release, Next To You

Setting the tone with a pulsing synthscape, katie drives opens Next To You with an immersive energy and emotive lyricism as she shares atmospheric vocals with poetic nuance.

Speaking on the message of Next To You, katie drives confesses, “It describes the rollercoaster of appreciation, self-doubts, envy and feelings of guilt when comparing to others.”

The rising artist adds with depth, “Whether on social media or among your own friends, sometimes you see people who seem to be flawless: prettier, smarter, more talented, more successful, more popular, kinder. And next to them you can’t help but feel bad. A topic with which many young women and girls in particular can identify.”

The opus comes with a high concept and hypnotizing music video, created in collaboration with Berlin-based photographers and videographers Geraldine Hutt and Juliette Lejeune. We appreciate katie drives‘ performance, the styling, and how she brings to life her emotion.

We learn that katie drives‘ music is produced by Ole Kuhlmann, and that she grew up as a “shy outsider in the countryside of North Germany”. Her latest single Ghosts featuring Dear Me, which was released on October 21, has already amassed over 250,000 views on TikTok and Instagram Reels.

The universe that katie drives creates is unique and full of authenticity, and we have added Next To You to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream her wider discography including Maniac and Ghosts.