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Moorby Jones take us on a transcendental trip through nature and beyond with evocative new single, Light Is A Story

Setting the mood with astral tones, psychedelic guitar, a folk rock vibe and atmospheric vocals, Moorby Jones open Light Is A Story with the conceptual lyrics, “I dreamed I was a bird, amongst a multitude of birds…”

We immediately love the poetic prowess and unconventionality that Moorby Jones share with their vision, and ability to transcend reality and reflect on the natural world.

The soundscape is luscious with a timeless energy and divine harmonies, we are enthralled, and appreciate how Moorby Jones give us dimensionality as we are invited to embody the universe.

We learn that the band comprises of Steve Moorby performing guitar, pedal steel, keyboards, mandolin and vocals, Dick Jones on bass guitar and bouzouki, and Gemma Moorby playing guitar, keyboards, drums and ethereal vocals.

The cohesive fusion of the three creators is incredible and we connect with the introspective shape shifting experience. Speaking in expansive depth, the trio confess, “The ethos that drives Light Is A Story is the primacy of the song as a binary creation. Words and music share complete parity of esteem. As for musical styling, there is no conscious influence dominating any of the songs. All three of us have absorbed so many elements from so many sources that it would be impossible to dissect and identify them.”

Light Is A Story has been added to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream Moorby Jones‘ wider discography including their 2021 album, Other Plans.