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I’ve Tried Sleeping releases inspiring ode to freedom with Out Here On Our Own

Setting the tone with a wild guitar lick and bold drums, immersing us into a vibrant and crisp alternative pop meets indie rock energy, I’ve Tried Sleeping opens Out Here On Our Own with the empowering and assertive lyrics, “By now you’ve probably realized, you can be whoever you want to…”

The opus expands into a meaningful and inspiring freedom anthem, filled with poetic prowess and affirming lyricism designed to allow us to be liberated.

Speaking on the release, I’ve Tried Sleeping, also known as artist Charlie Edwards confesses, “I wrote this for my daughter — remembering the terror and exhilaration of being a young adult — living in a small apartment in a strange city, trying to make connections while figuring out who I was.”

We appreciate the intention of the composition, the depth that I’ve Tried Sleeping channels, along with the dynamic soundscape that he has created with fellow instrumentalists. In addition to Charlie himself on guitar and vocals, the track features Jay Condiotti on lead guitar, AJ Ramirez on drums and percussion, Calista Edwards on cello, Eddie Ramirez on bass, and Kelly Porter on electric organ and synth.

I’ve Tried Sleeping cites Bob Dylan, James Brown, R.E.M., Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, Paul Simon, Toots Hibbert, Peter Gabriel, Bruce Springsteen, U2, The Clash, The Replacements, Pixies and Scott Weiland as some of his influences, although it is clear that he is creating a universe of his own.

Speaking on his purpose, Charlie tells us, “I write and play music with the goal of making the world a better place. Maybe provide a spark, a ray of hope, some inspiration or distraction in response to the cold and dark. There is a lot of beauty at the core of each of these songs that with repeated listening can help the listener to heal.”

Out Here On Our Own is the fourth song from the self-titled debut album, set to drop on streaming on November 13, but the record is already available to purchase and explore via BandCamp. In the meantime, we have added Out Here On Our Own to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream I’ve Tried Sleeping‘s wider discography including album tracks Flying High Anyway, Hard Hitting Rock and Not Talking Squatch.