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Matyascorvinus releases powerful and transcendental new composition, Her Shadow In the Flame

We recently featured Matyascorvinus for his profound and connected release, Tree of life, so we were excited to hear the brand new, Her Shadow In The Flame.

Setting the tone with a dimensional, meditative frequency, we are immediately transported by Matyascorvinus‘ latest composition. Expanding with intricate acoustic guitar, the opus evolves with a transcendental energy that is both playful and dynamic.

Taking a bolder and more enigmatic turn, the guitar takes on the role of the main protagonist of the piece with an immersive energy, and we are hypnotized.

Towards the middle of the composition, the guitar minimizes twice before building back up with a charismatic energy, generating a sense of euphoria. With chord changes that flow between major and minor cohesively, there is no doubt that Matyascorvinus creation is expansive in nature. The piece comes to a meditative conclusion, in a full circle nature, in line with the frequency we experience in the debut and we are at peace.

Matyascorvinus tells us that Her Shadow In The Flame started as an ordered work. He elaborates, “It was supposed to be a cover song, requested by my friend. I did the job but his contribution never happened. So, I decided to keep it myself; in my opinion it turned out good. I made little changes to the original version…and here it is.”

The artist from Kotka in Finland confesses, “The original song covered is by Cathedral, [called] Hopkins (The Witchfinder General), which is one of my favourite songs ever. And as you already noticed; the story is about witchcraft and inquisition. In short: unjustified violence against defenseless human beings , a war on women. A dark page of history, true insanity and a rich source of folklore and stories familiar to many.
For me the times of witchery has always being an intriquing era and I have studied it a lot, being a diehard fan of gothic subjects and things related to dark arts etc.”

He continues, “But: instead of a horror story, this little song turned out to be a soundtrack of longing. The great missing of a loved one, maybe gone forever. And today, when unjustified violence against defenseless human beings a-g-a-i-n takes place in Europe, it is right to remind what it is to be a human to a human. It should be peace, love and understanding. Unfortunately, in Ukraine, it is pure evil and hatred. However, I believe it’s love that prevails. Some day dark days will be over…again.”

We appreciate the depth and authenticity that Matyascorvinus shares with his art and have added Her Shadow In The Flame to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream Tree of Life and his wider discography!