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Herald K pays homage to the words of William Butler Yeats for enchanting new release, Wandering Aengus

We recently featured Herald K for his transcendental and dimensional single, Arethusa, so we were thrilled to hear that he had just released the brand new, Wandering Aengus.

Establishing the mood with intricate acoustic guitar and enigmatic layered melodies, expanding into an alternative folk hybrid energy, Herald K opens Wandering Aengus with the situational and adventurous lyrics, “I went out to the hazel woods, because a fire was in my head, and cut and peeled a hazel wand, and hooked a berry to a thread…”

The composition expands with the celebrated words of writer William Butler Yeats, as Herald K brings to life his poem of the same name. Speaking on the release of Wandering Aengus, Herald K confesses, “This song is my version of a William Butler Yeats poem. A mysterious and lyrical text, that I had long wanted to create my own musical version of.”

Elaborating on the creative process and his collaborators, Herald K adds, “With the help of my friends Markus [on] pedal steel guitar, and Navid [on] double bass, I feel we have managed to do justice to this Irish piece of poetry.”

We appreciate Herald K‘s charismatic delivery and can imagine that fans of Elliott Smith will be able to connect with Wandering Aengus. The rising artist from Vienna cites songwriters like Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Hank Williams, and also writers like Ovid, Baudelaire, and of course W.B. Yeats as some of his influences, which we appreciate and can feel come through with Wandering Aengus.

A lyrical highlight from the piece is the profound and celestial finale, “The silver apples of the moon, the golden apples of the sun…”, which is visually brought to life by the accompanying soundscape that Herald K has created in honour of the words of William Butler Yeats.

We have added Wandering Aengus to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream Herald K‘s wider discography including, Arethusa.