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VALA knows herself and her value on new single, Baddest Bitch

Asserting her strength with the opening lyrics, “Now what is this f***ery and why will none of these bitches stand up to me?”, rising New York artist, VALA, wants us to know that she is indeed the boss on her new single, Baddest Bitch.

VALA is an independent singer, rapper and musician – her flow on Baddest Bitch is fierce, fast, furious and introspective. The song is accompanied by a partially animated video by Shinoda Animation Studio which is symbolic of the message of the song, featuring animated sharks representative of the music industry.

The narrative of Baddest Bitch is a come up, understanding the doubts that are in her mind and compartmentalising them, knowing that you are indeed the Baddest Bitch. Speaking on the meaning, VALA says “the song about gaining confidence and having fun, which I think a lot of us need right now.”

Known primarily for her songs around mental health solidarity, VALA’s Baddest Bitch is about standing up for yourself as much as it is about self confidence. According to VALA, “In today’s world, it often seems that you can’t feel good about yourself or something that you’ve done without someone criticizing you. Sharks—those who try to use others for their own advantage — are everywhere.  They are at every job that you work, they can be the people you meet, and the song is about how you handle those interactions with them that shape who you are going to be.”

The video shows VALA vs. the villain – who is an actual shark, personified. At the start of the video, Vala is in a retro TV when a remote reaches to the TV and changes the channel to the animation where it’s VALA vs. the shark in a series of scenes ranging from the gladiator arenas in ancient Rome to scenes in which she’s fighting zombies. 

All of this she says “is to create one underlying message: be confident in yourself, and don’t let anybody try to change who you are.”

We love VALA‘s message, depth and delivery, and are excited for the artist’s future releases, meanwhile, we are immersing ourselves in her existing discography, including Follow Me, Mad World and Life of Sin. Baddest Bitch is also featured on our New Music Spotlight playlist!