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Fitness Hacks For A Better Life

In a busy life, the most important thing to do is to take care of yourself. With a packed schedule, it can be tough to find time or motivation to do what you need to do to make sure you can stay happy and healthy. To help you better manage your time and take care of your health, try some of these fitness hacks to save you both time and energy, and improve your quality of life. These hacks will help you sleep better, get in better shape, and get more done. 

Turn Off Electronics At Least An Hour Before Bed

When you look at a screen, whether your TV or your phone, the artificial light stimulates the part of your brain that regulates sleep and relaxation. If you find you can’t fall asleep, or can’t sleep through the night, try reading a book before bed instead of watching TV, so you don’t stimulate your brain and ruin your internal clock. 

Spend Five Minutes Meditating Before Sleep

Stress can make it tough to sleep at night. If you spend five minutes focusing on your breathing, you can relax and calm down before you sleep. If you’re new to meditating, you can use an app to guide you. Otherwise, turn off your electronics, sit quietly, and focus on nothing but your breathing for at least five minutes, or until you fall asleep. 

Use The Index Card Method

If you have a list of things to do that’s stressing you out, borrow a method from the famous life-hacker, Tim Ferris. Every morning, take an index card and write down the two things that you absolutely must get done that day, and take the index card with you. When you feel overwhelmed, look at your card and focus on those tasks. An index card limits how long your to-do list can be. 

Every Night, List The Next Day’s Tasks

This will help you to be more productive and clear your mind before bed. Every night, write down the tasks you know you need to get done the next day. Start with the most important task. As you go about your day, work your way down the list, crossing them off as you finish each task. Crossing things off can help you to feel more accomplished and motivated. 

Use Bodyweight Circuits To Stay Fit At Home

The gym is a big commitment of both time and money. You can do challenging bodyweight circuits at home, which paired with UK SARMs, can help you to get results without spending hours at the gym. Focus on compound movements and workout routines, like squats, lunges, pushups, planks, and leg lifts. 

Perform Fast Exercises Or Stretches During Commercial Breaks

Most people blame a lack of exercise on a lack of time, but most of us watch TV on a regular basis. During commercial breaks or between Netflix episodes, get up and do something, like some burpees, crunches, or stretching. It all adds up.