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How to Simplify Your Relationship With Your Smartphone

Can you live in the modern world without having a smartphone? Probably, but, in truth, we’re not going to be the ones to find out. The fact of the matter is that they’re just too useful to keep in the drawer! However, just because we need to have one, that doesn’t mean that they have to consume up all our time and energy. While they’re brilliant devices, there is a downside — on some days, it can just feel like we’re a slave to our smartphones. They’re just too easy to pick up and use. 

If that sounds familiar to you, then look at simplifying your relationship with your smartphone. You’ll find that it leads to much healthier and productive habits! We’ll run through some of the most effective ways to do this below.

Unused Apps

Most people end up having many, many apps on their device, for no other reason than, well, there is no reason. Since it can cost nothing to download an app, most of us do so without giving a second thought. However, if you do that for long enough, then you’ll end up with a device that’s jam-packed with apps — and that can feel pretty chaotic. The easiest solution? Just delete the unused apps without a second thought. If you weren’t using them, then you won’t miss them — and they’ll always be available to download again if you change your mind.

Time-Wasting Apps

You won’t miss the unused apps that you delete from your phone. But you might delete the apps that you use but which are taking up too much of your time. You won’t want to get rid of them, but it’s a good idea to do so — once they’re out of your life, you’ll find yourself reaching for your device with much less frequency. You open these apps again and again because of the dopamine rush that they give you. You’ll need to ride through the initial sadness of not having those apps, but it’ll be worth it in the long run. We promise!

Clear Up Space

Your phone should benefit your life. But all too often, they end up causing headaches. If you have loads of data and content on your smartphone, then you’ll probably have an issue with storage. This can be deeply frustrating since it can prevent you from downloading more apps — and in some cases, it’ll even prevent you from opening your current apps. Your smartphone needs storage space if it’s going to work at full capacity. You can get rid of this issue by freeing up more space on your device. Deleting old apps will help, and so will using an app that can find duplicate photos and delete them. You’ll run into fewer issues with your device once it has space!

Night Mode

Finally, look at keeping your phone in night mode, or at least limiting the number of notifications that you get. You’ll find that you pick up your device much less this way — and you won’t miss much!