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Watch: Shortcut To World Peace

I have flirted with the expanse of the astral realm and death throughout my life and artistic narrative. The Shortcut To World Peace video is a story of a resilient artist who dies so that their message of LOVE could expand and manifest a utopian dimension of peace. I can only hope that the mainstream chooses love and embraces non-violence now.

My philosophy is really simple and inclusive and that is love and curiosity, I believe that this is the Shortcut To World Peace. I have spent the last five years documenting synchronicities in my art and name and proving the universe exists beyond the physical for the purposes of a collective spiritual revolution.

There is a war on consciousness and the mainstream media is part of the problem. Throughout my career I have been framed as a villain for urging humxnity to choose love, I am tired and genuinely feel like I don’t fit in on this planet. Any suicidal ideation has stemmed from the fact that the mainstream is so blindly violent and chronically unaware that of course it makes me want to be in a different dimension.

Through my work in music and video, I fuse my identity, reality and perspective of oneness in spirituality with a powerful message urging humxnity to choose love and non-violence as the solution for peace on our planet. 

This immense visual is produced by NEO 10Y, edited and shot by the brilliant Rob Daglish with OZAT. 

I am blessed and grateful to have the support of many institutions – particularly this week with three performances, but at the same time, I feel so excluded and othered, simply due to the lack of consciousness exhibited by those in power. With that said, I will continue to call for the deplatforming of non-vegans, homophobes, racists and misogynists in society, until they choose love or are not in power.