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Vegan Travels Hacks You Never Thought Of!

Travelling is an incredible experience. Spending months away from home, seeing the most exotic and important sights the world has to offer, is obviously nothing short of breathtaking. Still, it’s not a walk in the park as a vegan. After all, society hasn’t caught on as much as vegans would like. Some restaurants continue to treat us as the enemy!

Once you leave the safety of home, the struggle gets harder, which turns travellers off to the point where vegans might decide not to travel. Although it’s easy to see your logic, it doesn’t have to be with this with the hacks underneath.

Here are four useful tips you probably haven’t used before.

Pick A Friendly Destination

Veganism is a lifestyle, so it’s part of every decision you make, from the clothes you wear to the food you eat and the places you visit. Therefore, the destination should be somewhere vegan-friendly, where you won’t have to fight to find a plate of tasty veggies. Thankfully, more locations fit the bill than you would imagine. For example, Indian restaurants rarely serve meat or animal products as they are more expensive. From a thali to baingan bharta, you’ll be able to experience the culinary delights of an amazingly varied country.

Think About Your Fashion

Travelling for weeks often means you’ll have to go shopping at some point. For most people, this isn’t a problem as the likes of H&M and Zara are pretty much in every nation worldwide. Unfortunately, vegans have extra issues, such as whether the materials are from animals or plants. The solution is to stock up on hoodies, t-shirts, and trousers to limit the damage. Of course, if you do have to go shopping, you should try and use places where you can read the labels to evaluate if the items are vegan-friendly.

Learn More Than Phrases

Picking up a few phrases goes a long way. It’s pretty astounding how much you can communicate without knowing the language! Still, vegans always have to go the extra mile as you’ll probably need to have semi-complicated conversations to ensure your food and drinks are suitable. If your linguistic skills fall short, you’ll end up in the same position as if you didn’t understand any words whatsoever! It’s not rare for vegans to take Spanish or French classes, for instance, to prevent the awkward situations that lead to a hungry stomach! Again, the language could affect the destination as you’ll never learn enough to head to China with confidence.

Download Happy Cow

Downloading an app isn’t a hack you’ve never thought of before. You do it daily! But, Happy Cow is a brilliant vegan application that isn’t as well-known as it should be, considering how easy it makes eating out. All you have to do is make sure your phone or mobile device has an internet connection, and you can research the vegan joints in any town, city, or nation. It makes life simple when you know all the results are suitable for vegans.