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Staying Fit With Minimum Equipment: A Helpful Guide

During COVID-19, with gyms closed, everyone has had to adapt. Home fitness can be super boring and unmotivating, especially if you are used to using weights and using machines to form your workout routines. If you aren’t super well off and don’t have your own personal home gym, it can be really difficult to stay motivated and keep fit during a quarantine. This helpful guide will allow you to keep yourself fit with barely any equipment!

When completing a home workout, always stretch, and be careful to stay within your limits to prevent injury

Home Weights

If you don’t have any free weights, it’s advisable that you get some. They are usually inexpensive and are useful for a wide range of activities. Nobody expects you to have a full set of deadlift equipment, but free weights are very useful and easy to store and buy. You can even buy them second hand, which is both environmentally and financially friendly!


There are many different ways to work out your legs. From cardio activity like running, cycling, and skipping, to conditioning movements, there’s much to choose from. Tailoring a leg workout requires some research; if you put too much pressure on your precious joints like your hips and knees, it can do more harm than good. 

When constructing a leg workout, it helps to have free weights, so you can increase the difficulty of the workout you’re doing. If you’re without weights, though, never fear! Some weight-free exercises you can do are:

  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Leg lifts


Ab workouts are the easiest to complete at home. You can utilize your floor space and just go for it! Abs are extremely important to work out, due to the fact that having a strong core increases your ability in all areas of physical exercise. Working your abs isn’t just about situps and crunches – you can work them in compound exercises too. 

For example, pull-ups and push-ups both work your ab muscles. Your abs are your core, which helps you hold yourself up in difficult workout positions for longer. Other core exercises which help your abs are:

Arms, Back and Chest

These are easily trained with free weights. Using free weights, you can complete bicep curls, tricep exercises, chest press exercises and more. However, if you have no equipment, there are still many ways to efficiently workout this area!

Push-ups are the number one free exercise you can do to help tone and strengthen your arms, back, chest and shoulders. This exercise is simple to learn and difficult to get wrong. Plus, you can do them anywhere – in your bedroom, living room, garden or kitchen! They’re quick, functional, and will get you feeling stronger in no time. 

You might have seen the #pushupchallenge on Instagram during the quarantine. Join the fun, get fit, and nominate your friends!

Final Thoughts

Staying fit is difficult at this time, but is essential both for your physical and mental wellbeing. 

This is a contributed piece.