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Boost Your Immune System

In the face of what is the most media-driven “pandemic” crisis that we have ever experienced in modern times, a.k.a “coronavirus” a.k.a “COVID-19”, I wanted to share a few spiritual and physical world tips on how we can boost our collective immunity. Something I have been doing for three years is consuming ayurvedicly – which means that I consume with intent. Eating products and food types with the intention of boosting health, preventing disease, and maintaining wellness.

In summary, here is a 10-point list of tips to boost our immunity which can save us and our planet:

Eat Plants: plants are life force energy direct from mother earth and a plant-based / vegan diet is proven to be the ultimate healer and raise your vibrational freuqency

Eat Ayurvedic Foods: some include turmeric, ginger, cannabis oil, garlic, almonds, lentils, cumin, citrus fruits

Do Not Eat Animal Products: aside from how many believe Coronavirus to have started and despite the very universally designed obvious logic that the word is an anagram for “carnivorous”, meat, dairy, eggs etc. are all cancerous and trigger inflammation, and if you believe in karma you will fully understand why you cannot consume these products in order to heal

Do yoga: movement and spinal flexing for kundalini energy are integral to raising your vibration, the base of your spine has lots of fluid that needs to be sent up your tree of life and into your body

Healing meditations: if you already know how to do transcendental mediation then that is awesome, but you can equally just switch on a guided healing meditation from YouTube or Gaia, find a voice and tone that suits you and do it as often as you can

Chant: your own body is a source of sound frequency, and you know how grains of sand line up when you vibrate them? Well the same happens to your body, so keep singing and keep chanting, whether in sanskrit, English, ancient Chinese – it’s your choice! Protection mantras are great

Hug trees: plug back into Mother Earth, pay your respects, and absorb the life force energy from plants in all possible ways, see how your finger prints are like the inside of a tree trunk – you’re a match!

Channel Reiki energy: we are all healers – you heal every time you cut yourself, you can amplify this and all of the above will help you! But learn Reiki, and learn to protect yourself, lean that life force energy flows through you can can be amplified

Sage, incense and fire: focus on a flame to activate your third eye, burn sage as an antiseptic and light incense when you do your spiritual work to connect you with a higher plane

Channel LOVE energy: at a time when we need it the most, do every action with love and intent