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Ways To Live More Sustainably

At a time when animal agriculture is contributing to violence to the planet, biodiversity, collective human health and of course, animal life – a time when the IPCC reports are very clear on what we should be doing to reduce our carbon footprint and a time when consciousness is evolving to a stage where we are all looking for ways to raise our collective vibration, I wanted to share some insight into how we can live more sustainably.

There is a lot of science behind finding some ways to live in a more sustainable way, which is all about using resources in a way that helps to maintain the supplies that we have, for the future. Living in a way that is sustainable doesn’t mean that you have to go without some luxuries. But really, it is all about being more aware of what we are consuming and how we can reduce some unnecessary waste.

Eat locally

A really powerful way to live in a much more sustainable way is to eat and consume locally. The convenience of a supermarket has changed how a lot of people think about food. But if we go through a supermarket you will see food from all over the world, even from fruits and vegetables, from all times of the year. But flying in food from all over can create a large carbon footprint. So it is much better to shop for locally sourced food, and food that is in season.

Dispose with disposables

There have been many generations been and gone, that have been using everything disposable. From razors, plates, cups, forks, and storage boxes or wraps. But you can find a version of pretty much anything that you need to use that is plastic-free and made from a much more sustainable material. Single-use, for anything, plastic or not, is unnecessary, and that is what we all need to start ditching. Plus, according to platforms like National Geographic – who I have worked with a few times recently, there are many environmental problems that come from toxins that are in our trash that are released into the environment. So disposing of things in a better way, and recycling in the right way, really is a must as well. 

Resell and donate items

There comes a time for a lot of the things that we have that no longer need. It could be that you have clothing that your children have grown out of, or you have a sofa that you no longer need. But you can extend the life of these things but reselling or donating them. Then it means they’ll end up in someone else’s home rather than landfill, which is a great step to reducing waste. You could also use a company like Bekins to help put some of your items into storage. If you don’t need things at that moment, you could always store away for another time, or until you have a plan of what else you want to do with it. 

Rely less on your car

Fossil fuels are something that we are likely to have all used from time to time, especially if you have ever caught a flight or driven a car. But driving your car around, with only you in the car is something that is no longer sustainable. So it is a great idea to look into some other transport options where you live. It could be a bus, train, or carpool commuting to where you need to be. 

If you live in a place where there is no option but to drive in order to get places, then you should carefully consider the type of vehicle you buy, and how you use it. For instance, second hand cars are less likely to be the fuel-guzzling vehicles they once were thanks to technology that makes cars made within the last decade a lot more fuel-efficient. You might also want to consider if anybody you know wants to share a vehicle. Doing this can significantly reduce an individual’s carbon footprint.  You could also get out on your bike or personally, I love walking.

Make sure you watch the new BBC Documentary, Meat: A Threat To Our Planet which is really insightful and will hopefully inspire some change in the wider community!

This is a partially contributed post.