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Home Tech Needs Some Hacks Too!

Tech in the home can sometimes be super complicated and trying to understand every element from projectors to sound systems and the details within those can be a challenge. But at this point in time, we really can’t have a stable home life without having so much tech surrounding it – I guess, depending on how integrated you are to it. In fact, we would go as far as to say that the tech our home has is the backbone of it all. It’s your hub space. Sometimes we just need a hack or two to help you understand it better, use it better, and allow it to benefit your community more. The simple hacks that we have for you today are going to do just that. So, keep on reading, and have a mooch through the simple home tech hacks that we think you need in your life!

Problem Solving Made Easy

Problem solving is not easy to do when you don’t have a clue what you’re doing. But problem solving is exactly what you need to be focusing your time on, especially if you have a busy house to try and keep entertained. So, it’s common for things like tablets and TV’s to break, and they’ll stay broke until you decide to replace it. But you could easily find a solution to your problem through Youtube tutorials. All you have to do is type in the problem that you’re having, and more often than not, a video will come up for you to follow. If not, then you could always try factory resetting, or Googling to see what part it is that might be broken, and getting it replaced. You could of course go to the Manufacturer, and see if they have any sort of repairs team that could do the work for you. But whatever you do, don’t go for the option of replacing it straight away, like we know a lot of people like to do!

Protecting The Most Important Devices

The big mistake people make, that can often lead to hours of troubleshooting like we’ve just been speaking about, is not protecting their devices. If you put the proper software protection in, and protect its exterior with a case as well, your devices are going to last so much longer. Your laptop for example, is one of the riskiest that you will own, especially Macs and Ipads. They seem to attract malware often, and are definitely a prime target for thieves. But you can learn how to set up find my Mac and protect your data easily, because virtual hackers are sometimes more danger to you than thieves that could take the device from you. Always make sure you’re leaving things out of sight as well, because if you leave things right by the window, you’re just asking for someone to try and get it!

Making The Life Last Longer

Our top tip is to make sure you’re not leaving things on for long periods of time. Always turn them off by the switch to allow them to have some down time. Always charge until the battery is full as well if we’re talking about laptops and phones, and then use until the battery dies and allow it to have an hour off.

This is a contributed post.