The self-directed video for Lana Del Rey’s ULTRAVIOLENCE has arrived. It’s the first time that Lana has returned to the rawness of what she pioneered with the release of Video Games, Kinda Outta Luck and Blue Jeans (original) since the video for Carmen. It’s clearly something that is hugely personal to her, and the video release on Noisey (the music platform owned by VICE) coincides with the first time ever that VICE have put a celebrity of this calibre on their cover since the inception of the publication. In essence, this movement is pushing creative and media boundaries once again. The video itself sees Lana in a wedding dress and veil “following” her lover “Jim” from the story of ULTRAVIOLENCE. The fact that it is self-directed lends itself to the candid and gripping first party transference of the story and her vision. Something that a high budget Born To Die-esque video would have struggled to achieve.