Feet on The Fire by Idle Lane emerges as a sonic manifesto, an urgent call to confrontation with self and society that encapsulates the band’s…
Graceless: A Fierce and Timeless Alternative Rock Anthem by Sam Brace That Confronts Egotism, Reflects Vulnerability, and Celebrates Authenticity Through Masterful Instrumentation and Scathing Lyricism
Published December 13, 2024Sam Brace’s Graceless stands as a fierce testament to the timeless allure of alternative rock while delivering a biting critique of egotism and self-importance. The…
An Enduring Ode to Innocence and Love: A Reflective Dive into the Psychedelic Soundscape and Timeless Message of The Kids by Animal Souls
Published December 13, 2024The Kids by Animal Souls is a beautifully crafted piece of music that blends retro soundscapes with heartfelt storytelling. Written by Michael Fisher 35 years…
Caught In A Web: Super Massive’s Celestial Electro-Surf Anthem That Blends Intricate Sound Design and Poetic Prowess Into a Digital-Age Fable for the Hyperconnected Era
Published December 10, 2024Super Massive’s latest opus, Caught In A Web, is a multi-dimensional experience that captures the celestial harmony of connection and entrapment in the digital age.…
Moji’s Eve: A Sublime Fusion of Jazz-Adjacent Elegance, Poetic Vulnerability, and Emotional Resonance
Published December 9, 2024Moji’s Eve is a shimmering piece of artistry that feels as though it was made for the eclectic and discerning amongst us. Its subtle complexity…