Standing out at a formal event, where all of the attendees are dressed to the nines and wearing fancy, flourished clothing for the duration, can…
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Experience: Kilian’s Cellar Icons Set
Published July 31, 2019It’s almost as if everyone knew I was scaling down the size of my portable fragrances (!), so with some personal favourites packaged into a…
Fitness Tips For Vegans
Published July 18, 2019Fuelling your body in the right way, that fits your ethical values is important and isn’t be as complexed as we are taught to think.…
London’s Growing Vegan Offering
Published July 16, 2019It depends which sources of research you look at, but London is either the most vegan city in the UK (by search terms and amount…
Testing: Ignite CBD
Published July 11, 2019This week, Instagram legend Dan Bilzerian descended upon London with his CBD venture, Ignite. So naturally, I had the chance to give the product a…