Setting the tone with immersive frequencies and the words, “I can’t trust nobody else”, Ty Thom opens his new single BET ON MYSELF with conviction…
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Rich Chambers reflects on love lost in vibrant new single, I Wonder
Published March 15, 2022Easing us in with polished guitar and percussion, as a drone pans across the city, Rich Chambers opens his new single, I Wonder with the…
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Jade Moede releases bouncy and conceptual new single, Ooo La La Rachel’s Stuff
Published March 15, 2022Setting the tone with bouncing bass guitar and drum riffs, the enigmatic artist Jade Moede opens his latest release, Ooo La La Rachel’s Stuff. Ooo…
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Psychedelic Revolution takes us on a trip with new single, It Follows the Rain
Published March 14, 2022Opening directly with the poignant lyrics, “Freedom comes, the cost of pain, do no wrong, feel no shame”, fused with bold and melodic keys and…
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Provocative trio The Qwarks speak their minds on You Are Not Fans (You Are Our Friends)
Published March 4, 2022Opening with the title of the track, alternative rock trio from Brighton, The Qwarks take us on an expansive journey of cerebral mayhem with the…