As our planet becomes more conscious and we move forward towards a protopian dimension of peace, naturally people are choosing love and therefore veganism. It…
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Why Changing Your Style is Healthy
Published November 21, 2022When it comes to our personal lives, we often resist change. We like things the way they are and we’re comfortable with routine. However, when…
Drinking without Drinking: The 5 Sober Bars You Need to Visit
Published September 7, 2022A recent report found that a third of pub visits are now alcohol-free. With more brands bringing out non-alcoholic alternatives to their most popular beverages…
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Ways To Bring Natural Elements Into Your Home
Published September 1, 2022Over the years, people have planned, built, designed, or furnished their homes with little consideration for natural elements. However, in recent times, that seems to…
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Great Barrier Reef Breaks Coral Cover Record Again
Published August 4, 2022Official data released today reveals that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is in excellent health, with coral cover reaching record levels for the second consecutive year. …
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