This is all so brilliant. The artwork (back and front) for the forthcoming album from Danny Seth, Perception. Designed by Danny Seth, Hamish Stephenson and…
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Exploring Soma Bay
Published May 11, 2015Last week was spent in what can only be described as a paradise within a vastness of expansive desert – Egypt’s Soma Bay. We spent…
Jean Paul Gaultier Ultra Male with Jarrod Scott
Published May 6, 2015Remember the brilliant short film On The Docks from Gaultier? Well the one and only Jarrod Scott has returned to front the new Jean Paul…
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The Plastic Age: A Documentary feat. Pharrell Williams
Published May 6, 2015A fortnight ago I was at the premiere of a new short film created by i-D and directed by Jake Sumner for G-Star’s RAW For…
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Fleur de Portofino by Tom Ford
Published May 2, 2015A new blue world for Summer has just arrived with the campaign for the latest Tom Ford Fragrance – Fleur de Portofino from the Neroli…