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CS Hellmann returns with ethereal and transcendental new single, In a World Gone Wrong

We last featured CS Hellmann as he shared the story of a past, unrequited love with the psychedelic and anthemic single, Postcards, so when we learnt that the talented creator was back with In a World Gone Wrong, we were curious, and couldn’t wait to listen and share our experience.

Setting the tone with a count-in, expanding into a luscious and glistening soundscape, evolving with textured drums amidst astral frequencies, CS Hellmann opens In a World Gone Wrong with super atmospheric vocals and situational, yet philosophical prose.

The opus takes us on a meaningful, introspective and altruistic journey as the talented creator taps into the zeitgeist with his poignant lyricism. Speaking on the message of the song, CS Hellmann confesses, “In a World Gone Wrong is a song of empowerment, a song of finding grace in dire circumstances, a glimmer of hope in what can only feel like an empty void in the abyss of meaningless days.”

The talented creator continues, “I wanted to write a song that embodies my belief system that’s both empowering and vulnerable. Life tends to throw you curveballs, and it is about how you respond to adversity and how you overcome adversity. In a World Gone Wrong isn’t meant to be a song of despair and hopelessness. Quite the opposite, it’s a song that recognizes your shortcomings and embraces hardship into becoming what defines you as a human being.”

The lyrics of In a World Gone Wrong speak to the core of the human experience. They remind us that adversity is an inevitable part of life, but it is our response to these challenges that defines us. The song encourages us to face our struggles head-on, to find strength in our vulnerabilities, and to transform our pain into a source of power and inspiration.

This song serves as a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is always a way to find light. It emphasizes the importance of holding onto hope, of believing in ourselves, and of continuing to push forward, no matter how dire the circumstances may seem. In a World Gone Wrong is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit, a celebration of our ability to overcome adversity and to find meaning and purpose in the face of hardship.

Ultimately, In a World Gone Wrong is more than just a song; it is a mantra for those of us seeking strength and solace in a world that often feels chaotic and unforgiving. It is a tribute to the indomitable human spirit, a song that empowers us to rise above our challenges and to embrace the beauty and grace that can be found even in the most difficult of times.

We love the soundscape, which has an ethereal and transcendental edge, and have added In a World Gone Wrong to our New Music Spotlight playlist, and our new TIMELESS playlist, whilst we continue to stream CS Hellmann‘s exquisite wider discography, and anticipate future releases from the talented creator!