Drawing us in with a folk-rock, guitar soundscape and a captivating harmonica performance, Dharmika opens Give Me Shelter from the Storm with intentional prose and tangible poetic prowess. We appreciate the raw and authentic nature of what Dharmika manifests, and the philosophical and metaphorical depth that is conveyed with the poignant and zeitgeist message.
Speaking on the concept of Give Me Shelter from the Storm, Dharmika confesses, “This song is about the storms created by divisive politics that throw the basic stability of society out the window, in favor of legislation by special interests of religion or power or greed, or even causing wars.”
The talented creator continues, “We, the people, are left fending for ourselves. It is about the USA, but it also fits other countries, and present-day war zones, unfortunately. This song points to how, in the end, we only have each other, that we are our brother’s and sister’s keeper, and that that may be enough.”
When discussing influences, Dharmika tells us, “I resonate with Martin Kerr’s work, who sings about social issues and has optimistic catchy choruses.” This certainly comes through with Give Me Shelter from the Storm, although there is no doubt that Dharmika is creating a conscious design of her own.

The philosophical singer and songwriter elaborates, “Whether it’s about the presidency, women’s rights, guns, bathrooms, books, wedding cakes, vaccines, or those pain-filled, heart-tugging war zones, wherever you turn, it is almost impossible to have productive conversations with people of polarized viewpoints. Each side sees the other side as extremists, or at least, that those spearheading their groups or running their sides of the government are extremists. Everyone is dug in, and we all can find evidence for how we are right and “they” are wrong. That is the water that I was swimming in when I wrote this song.”
We connect deeply with the captivating nature of the track, and the intentional manner in which Dharmika creates, as well as the Vedic roots of her name, aligned to her purpose in this reality! We have added Give Me Shelter from the Storm to our New Music Spotlight playlist, and our brand new TIMELESS playlist, whilst we continue to stream Dharmika‘s wider discography, and anticipate future releases from the star.