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Stuart Lawrence takes us on a cosmic trip with timeless and inspiring new single, Paradise

Establishing the mood with a luscious and intricate guitar soundscape with textured, rising drums, Stuart Lawrence opens Paradise with poetic prowess and a transportive energy. Needless to say, we are in awe.

The classic rock vibe feels timeless, whilst Stuart showcases a stunning vocal timbre and evocative range, taking us on a cosmic and escapist journey to… Paradise. The cohesive tapestry of sound that the star creates is tangible, and we appreciate the narrative-based trip that he takes us on.

Speaking candidly on the release, Stuart confesses, “I think that Paradise is the best song that I’ve recorded so far.” With reference to his recent foray into professionally releasing music, the wise and inspiring artist adds, “I kept saying ‘I will one day,’ but that day never seemed to arrive. And then one day I said, ‘if not now then when?’ So here I am, better late than never. This is very new for me, and a fresh journey.”

With further depth on his connection with the universe, Stuart adds, “The songs that I write appear to me like spirits might appear to a clairvoyant. I am just the medium through which they emerge from their other worldly hiding places. My fingers autonomously move over the guitar fretboard while I am deep in thought or half asleep, and I’ll suddenly realise a new melody has appeared. They are then like children which I tenderly nurture and raise to maturity.”

We absolutely love the connected authenticity that Stuart Lawrence creates with, and it is abundantly clear that Paradise is channelled from source with positive intention. The rising artist concludes, “I am a storyteller, the lyrics are all imagined through empathy of hypothetical emotional scenarios. Pure fiction.”

Naturally, we have added Paradise to our New Music Spotlight playlist, as well as our brand new TIMELESS playlist, whilst we continue to stream Stuart Lawrence‘s growing discography, including To the Limit, and Halloween, and anticipate future releases from the creator.