Our obsession with Elijah Mann seems to grow with every listen. We previously featured the star’s celestial ode to grief and goodbyes, Dust Storm Darlin’, as well as the intricate escapism anthem, Bungalow Song, so when we heard that the talented creator was back with Alone, we were curious and couldn’t wait to share our experience.
Drawing us in an intimate acoustic guitar performance with a vinyl frequency, Elijah Mann opens Alone with situational prose as he sings, “Blue light glowing from my bedside table’s keeping me awake, I know it will burn my eyes, but I can’t seem to shake you off…”
With accompanying textured drums, the opus expands to showcase luscious sound design, astral nuances, and an evocative performance from the star before a luscious instrumental segment with atmospheric harmonies.
We appreciate the way that Elijah switches up his delivery, resulting in a dynamic and expansive listening experience and a sense of catharsis for the artist himself as he shares his soul and innermost vulnerabily. The build of the track is out of this world, and we feel every emotion that Elijah shares with his authenticity and dimensionality.

The meditative moment before an iconic final reprise has us fully captivated as we reach for the repeat button. Speaking on the moody folk-rock release, Elijah confesses, “This song was written to be a time capsule of a 16 year old me, seemingly always in a ‘will they/won’t they’ scenario: angsty as hell, feeling incredibly isolated, but still living for the drama.”
We also learn that Elijah worked alongside video game developers Ursa Mayhem Media for this release, specifically writing Alone as a plot song for their upcoming game Here There Be Bears. The creator tells us, “The task was to write a song that can work as a love song addressed to the main character, and also encapsulate the ever-growing fear of getting lost in a cave.”
Elijah Mann brings to life relatable themes of yearning for connection and the frustration of being without someone in a powerful and captivating way. Naturally, we have added Alone to our New Music Spotlight playlist, but also our brand new TIMELESS playlist, whilst we continue to stream Elijah Mann‘s discography, including Cut to the Feeling, and Noah.