Drawing us in with an elegant, acoustic guitar performance, expanding with textured drums and atmospheric vocal harmonies, Evelí Ray opens Where Are We Running with a magnetic timbre and the introspective, metaphorical prose, “Tell me, where are we running? Create in the shadows of life…”
The opus evolves with a contemporary folk hybrid energy, as Evelí Ray shares poetic prowess and intentional depth with her lyricism and message. Speaking on the release, the rising star confesses, “Where Are We Running talks about something we all can relate to – our hectic lives and the sense of emptiness pervading our cities.”
The rising artist, originally from Poland, continues, “We run from one place to the other, phone in our hands, more disconnected from ourselves and each other than ever. It’s a wake-up call to slow down and find meaning in little things that makes a huge difference.”
Elaborating on her influences, Evelí Ray tells us, “My references are brave and thought-provoking artists who were able to bring freshness, break a taboo and create atmosphere. The compositions of Peter Gabriel, Kate Bush, Thom Yorke or David Bowie are like wine that gets even better with time. I also like Nordic artists such as Ane Brun, Bjork, Marie Boine, Sigur Ros, Eivor or Olafur Arnalds. They are amazing at creating mystery and dreamlike sound.” We can appreciate the inspirations that the star cites, but it is clear that Evelí Ray is creating a universe of her own.
The composition showcases nothing short of instrumental mastery, and the ebbs and flows, combined with Evelí Ray‘s exquisite brand of storytelling results in a captivating final output.
We love what Evelí Ray is creating, and have added Where Are We Running to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream her wider discography, including her debut single Butterflies, and anticipate her upcoming album!