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Mick J. Clark invites us to embrace Anuther Sunny Hulliday

We love exploring Mick J. Clark‘s discography, and have covered a few of his archive releases recently. When we heard his track, Anuther Sunny Hulliday, we were left in awe, and inspired to recount our experience!

Drawing us in with an evocative bassline and bright percussion, Mick opens Anuther Sunny Hulliday with the sound of crashing waves and a power pop vocal singing the title of the track.

The opus expands with situational lyricism about connecting with nature and the sun in a timeless and relatable manner. Mick’s vocal is charismatic as always, showcasing his precision and range. We love his brand of narrative-driven story telling and the charm that he exudes is tangible.

Anuther Sunny Hulliday features exquisite guitar bridges which further bring to life the solar inspired sound design, and uplifting message of the song.

Speaking on the intention of the composition, which already has over one hundred thousand streams, Mick says, “Anuther Sunny Hulliday is a cheerful song, hopefully bringing holiday dreams of escaping to a brighter vacation spots to listeners.”

The song come with a playful, dance music video featuring a parrot which brings to life the pop-rock song perfectly! We always appreciate the attention to detail with Mick’s songs, and his innovative mind when it comes to visuals.

We have added Anuther Sunny Hulliday to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream Mick J. Clark‘s wider discography and anticipate future releases from the talented star.