Drawing us in with an evocative tapestry of sound, demonstrating instrumental mastery with a luscious guitar melody, Ultrasonic Zebras open Some Kind of Sympathy with the situational lyrics, “See that girl standing in my doorway, she wants my sympathy…”
The opus expands with narrative depth and an alternative rock frequency, as the band take us on a somewhat relatable journey through their lived experience.
We immediately connect with the authenticity that the pair exude, and the timeless nature of their sound albeit a nuanced hybrid of alternative rock and elements of nu metal. The vocal range exhibited is astronomical, and we are enthralled my the emotional journey that we are taken on with the composition.

Ultrasonic Zebras are from Calgary, Canada and are currently in the process of sharing songs from their debut EP, Surfacing. The band have zoned into sharing “stories of challenge, change, and reconciliation to shine light on a way forward – through the inevitably changing people, places, and situations that define what it is to be human.”
We appreciate the intentional depth of their art and have added Some Kind of Sympathy to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream the tracks that have already been released by Ultrasonic Zebras‘ EP, including (Once You Were A) Superstar, and She Said.