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Introducing OFFDAZE and their emotive and optimistic debut single, I’m Alright

Setting the tone with an intricate, acoustic guitar performance, OFFDAZE open I’m Alright with intrigue, atmospheric vocals, and self-realized prose as Preston Dill sings, “This live is just a beautiful dream, sometimes it seems too much for me, I’m lost, I’ve got my head in the trees, just floating, like a leaf in the breeze…”

We immediately appreciate the poetic prowess that OFFDAZE convey, and the charismatic nature of the instrumental performance by Andrew Krause. The opus expands with a conscious, and sometimes existential approach, laced with metaphors as OFFDAZE share their experience of the human condition, and the optimism behind being alive.

Speaking on the meaning of the track, OFFDAZE confess, “I’m Alright is about what it sounds like, the fact that we are alright. Things might not be ideal, but as long as we have music and stay in the moment all is ok.”

The wisdom that the duo from San Diego deliver with their words and soundscape is tangible, and it is refreshing to experience the candid nature of their lyrics and the charming, emotive guitar and harmonica performances.

Preston and Andrew cite Neil Young, Jim Croce, Bob Dylan, and The Beatles as some of their influences, which we can certainly feel come through in I’m Alright, but it is also clear that OFFDAZE are creating a sonic universe of their own.

On their artistry, they pair simply say, “We have been influenced by so many different songwriters and sounds. We really try to focus on the song and the core of the music. This leads us to make a wide range of styles.”

We deeply appreciate what OFFDAZE are sharing, and have added I’m Alright to our New Music Spotlight playlist, whilst we continue to stream their sophomore single, Rise Again, and anticipate future releases from the stars.